Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Exercise 5: Sharing photos in Flickr

Exercise 5, Sharing photos in Flickr. I liked this piano interior. I guess because my new world revolves around learning to play the piano. Day to day the lid stays closed on my piano, because I don’t want dust to mar the stunning interior.

Most musical instruments are as beautiful to behold as they are beautiful to hear. Recently I had guests for brunch and for the second time, since I’ve owned my piano, I opened the lid. The as yet unnamed piano possesses such voluptuous opulence it has got to be a female. I have been puzzling for months over what I should name my piano, I’m happy to entertain suggestions.


Unknown said...

How about Layla? It means dark beauty.

Anonymous said...

Dear Author courtingtheword.blogspot.com !
It is a pity, that now I can not express - there is no free time. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.