Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Exercise 20: YouTube

YouTube is an endless source of amusement. The first YouTube video I went to the site to find was Nora. The talented Nora and her encore performance are linked in my first blog post. I had seen the video on either CNN or MSNBC and decided I had to find it and send it as an email link to MS Mildred Bou, my piano teacher. She was amused and mentioned she had tried to instruct Tango, the family cat, to play piano but Tango would have nothing to do with piano lessons.

More recently the YouTube Democratic Debate gave us an interactive, collaborative, national perspective of the concerns of the American people. The questions were guileless and direct. The people chosen to have their questions asked of the presidential candidates were non-intellectuals, non elite, non Lexus drivers, non Harvard professors. Instead, the questions were from working people. They asked questions discussed around the dinner table or at a local “watering hole.” I feel that the candidates made a somewhat more sincere effort at answering the questions as asked, rather than as they might with the journalists’ questions: simply take them as a launching point for their political stump speeches.

All in all it was an imaginative use of new technology. Maybe the University’s president will request that student submit YouTube videos for the Q & A part of his welcome back gathering.

I'm looking for some models for "Library advertisements" and think there is a lot to learn from this one.

Another link. Library advertisement. Maybe too cute.

This one is just right. We will model our library's advertisement on this example. The music is good, the pace is good, we just need to make it for an academic library. "Come in and Check it out!"

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